Going to spend some time writing this tonight since the Russian Zionists have really pissed me off today
Vladimir Wolfovich Zhirinovsky is famous for predicting the SMO in 2022, and WW3 which will involve Iran.
But is he really a prophet? Or perhaps the truth is much simpler - he was fucking in on it!
As a Zionist Jew, to sell out Russia and start WW3, so the Jewish Moshiach can be found and redeem the Jewish people (read, one world government).
He said he thought Mr. Zhirinovsky was invited to the founding of Shalom by the Anti-Zionist Committee. "But when elected, he really was working actively to change the situation and to destroy the group of people from the Anti-Zionist Committee," Mr. Smukler said. "He was more close with us, leaders of the independent Jewish movement."
https://www.nytimes.com/1993/12/16/world/the-russian-vote-in-moscow-zhirinovsky-is-remembered-as-jewish-advocate.html https://archive.is/Teehp
Does he have any other involvement with other Zionist conspiracies?
Sure does! The other Zionist (BAP) favorite, Donald Trump!
In August 2016, Zhirinovsky prayed for the Republican U.S. presidential election nominee, Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton, whom he considered dangerous, in order to take his party's ideology global. He also expressed his desire to test his DNA to determine whether he and Trump were related.[94] In September 2016, inspired by Donald Trump's border wall policy, Zhirinovsky proposed building a border wall and banning Muslims from entering Russia.[46] In October, Zhirinovsky in an interview said that a vote for Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election was a vote for a third World War, leading to Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere. In contrast, he stated, Trump wouldn't care about Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Ukraine, and thus represented a more peaceful alternative.[95]
In April 2017, Zhirinovsky promised to drink champagne if Donald Trump were impeached, saying: "A half of Americans voted for different foreign policies. Trump breaks his promises, and if he continues breaking them, his impeachment is inevitable."[96] Following the 2021 United States Capitol attack, Zhirinovsky praised Trump and tweeted: "Be brave Donald. We're with you, you'll get help from abroad."[97]
The Zionists (both US and RU) supported Trump, and Trump (getting Russian support and being apart of the CIA Zionist plot to overthrow the liberal Jew government) was a major factor in getting the liberal Jews in US ultra pissed at Russia, which lead to.... The fucking Ukrainian war!
If you accept (and any cursory reading of history will support this) that both WW1 and WW2 were started by Anglo(30%)-Zionists to solidify their control of Europe, and justifying the creation of Israel. Then it would not be hard to see the culmination of their plan would be WW3 and bringing in the Moshiach.
Not to mention all the talks about WW3 would be the war to end the world.
This then would also explain why Israel allowed Oct. 7th. to happen, and why their reaction afterwards is this brutal and needlessly antagonizing everyone. (Almost like they are trying to get the Americans involved and start WW3!) (Which Iran has unironically saw through!) (I sure wonder why they really HATE Muslims? Could it be because Muslims are actually related to them and know their tricks?)
Also in the 1990s, Zhirinovsky threatened to remove restrictions on arms sales to Iran and proposed selling the disputed Kuril Islands to Japan for US$50 billion.[64] (WHY THE FUCK WOULD A SUPPOSED RUSSIAN NATIONALIST CONSIDER SELLING OUT TO JAPAN BUT WANT TO CONQUER IRAN? THE ONLY EXPLANATION IS JAPAN IS ZOGGED UP THE FUCKING ASS AND IRAN ISN'T!)
Zhirinovsky said he dreamt of the day "when Russian soldiers can wash their boots in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and switch to year-round summer uniforms"[69] following Russia's conquest of Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey and occupation of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean.[39]
In September 2016, inspired by Donald Trump's signature border wall proposal, Zhirinovsky proposed building a border wall and banning Muslims from entering Russia.[46]
Let's take another second to think about who else also really really really fucking hate Iran and Muslims?
Oh yeah, that's right! Donald J.(oy vey) Trump and BAP! Dr. Costin's also really strangely fond of Japan too, what a happy coincidence!
Zhirinovsky also advocated for all Chinese and Japanese people to be deported from the Russian Far East.[40] During his 1992 visit to the United States, Zhirinovsky called on television "for the preservation of the white race" and warned that the white Americans were in danger of turning their country over to Black and Hispanic people.[30]
What are the chances this guy's position's perfectly aligned with BAP's? Considering one's a supposed hardcore Russian nationalist and the other's an American CIA agent?
The funniest part about this guy has to be... He wanted Russia to fight US, BUT...
Zhirinovsky supported Israel-Russia relations, but said that Israel had to make Russian its official language. He also believed Israel has to pay more attention to the Russian Orthodox Church.[59] He believed Russians are endangered in Israel and should come under the protection of the Russian police.[60] Zhirinovsky led several official Russian delegations to Israel, on behalf of the Russian government. Visiting Israel, he said that he was concerned mainly about the economic situation for the more than one million Russians living in Israel. He also stated that "Russia will never allow any violence against Israel."[10]
Kinda really gave it all away doesn't it?
"Get the fuck away from Israel you dirty American liberal Jews! We le Russians love Israel MORE!"
Too tired to finish it all tonight, so I will leave it for tomorrow with this:
If you are Russian and lost anyone related because of SMO, it was because of the CIA Zionist/BAPoid Jews!
If you are American, their plan is obviously kick-start WW3 and pose themselves (Trump) as the savior so you'd hand them control! Very unfortunately currently I think the situation is spinning out of control even for their plan!
As a candidate, Vladimir V. Zhirinovsky has portrayed himself as a dyed-in-the-wool Russian, and he has made anti-Semitic remarks.
But Moscow Jews remember him as a man who regarded himself as a Jew several years ago, and who for a while served as an active director of a Jewish cultural organization formed in 1989.
They said he identified his father, Volf Zhirinovsky, as a Jew, and his mother as a Russian. The father died in an auto accident soon after Mr. Zhirinovsky was born, after only a year of marriage to his mother.
More recently, Mr. Zhirinovsky has either declared both his parents to be Russian or has skirted the question. In his news conference on Tuesday, he said that his parents were Russians, but he also said that if he had "a drop of Jewish or German or other blood, I take pride in it." Scant Reference to Father
https://www.nytimes.com/1993/12/16/world/the-russian-vote-in-moscow-zhirinovsky-is-remembered-as-jewish-advocate.html https://archive.is/Teehp
A (half?) Jew that LARPs as an anti-Semite, reminds you of anyone? Oh yeah that's right, Dr. Costin Alamariu! What are the chances these 2 Jews with massively different backgrounds share pretty much everything without any conspiracy?
On a bit of a side tour, what's my other least favorite Anglo(30%)-Zionist Jew besides BAP? Oh yeah, the other crypto Jew @cirnosad
Do they hate Iran? Are they secretly pro-Israel despite LARPing as an anti-Semite? Are they attempting to force Muslims to escalate so Zionists will get the WW3 in Middle East that they want?
What a fuck happy little coincidence that all these supposed pro-RU (crypto) Jews from various parts of the world all follow the same fucking script?
Going to take a few hours at least finishing writing this, need to take a bath n shit. But if you have found this article to be of help, I do have some favors to ask!
I really hate BAPoid Zionist Jews! Especially this guy! Pretty sure all/most of their relatives are Zionists too! Perhaps some of them are in Russia plotting to fuck everyone over yet again!
And this guy too!