First off I am pretty sure some subconsciously racist (probably Jewish) women wrote most of the romance, and Cassia is the self insert.
Cassia's House has an artifact called Atlas that's embedded in everyone's body at birth.
It's actually an Eldar Spirit Monolith that stores souls. Atlas(es) are pieces of fragments broke off from the main stone to empower the Navigators.
(I am not too deep into Eldar lore, I know the Spirit Stone but I am pretty sure that only works on contact, so you have to bring the dead Eldars' stones back to the Craftworld for it to get moved to the Craftworld's Infinity Circuit
In Rogue Trader it seems to work remotely as all the dead Navigator souls from House Orsellio got stored in there too? And all the Orsellio Navigators get a spirit connection because of it? I don't think Spirit Stones are the source of Eldar's connection to each other. IIRC it's just because they are all naturally psychics
Probably just something they made up for just this side quest and it's pretty full of plot holes)
Will add more when I have the time (probably will put a password on then)