Alternative title: Delirium of the Masses
Since the French Revolution and certainly after the Civil Rights movement, the world is told that (Mass) Democracy = Good.
It appeals to the hearts and desires of the common man, that somehow they can make a difference by voting for politicians.
It's the illusion of such "Democracy" that's the most corrupting:
Everything can be fixed by others, I just need to vote and tell them what to do. Someone will always come and save me from this mess!
Humans are lazy by nature, if you tell them that everything can be done, and every problem solved by "votes" (delegating responsibilities to others.) Then people naturally fall into a state of inaction.
Here lies the fundamental problem with the "RW" in the West: They still believe if they can rally enough people, they can vote the West out of this mess.
One can even presume this is what differs a nobleman from a commoner.
A nobleman with means acts to achieve what he wants.
A commoner toils away hoping some hero would come and save him.
In the Western Democracies, do you believe the average politicians (discounting the people who are really in charge) are the ones with grand plans and visions? Or just commoners, toiling away using everything within their power to buy votes, hoping to stay at his luxurious position a bit longer?
For instance: Do you think Donald J. Trump actually has a plan to Save™ the West™, or is he going to be selling out the right to the blacks and browns for one more term in the office?
The fundamental premise of the modern Western Democracy is that it is better if literally everyone votes.
The most obvious problem is, how the fuck is an 80 IQ black/brown nigger that never thinks about politics and policy, beyond what he occasionally saw on TV, improving the quality of policy decisions?
Do you expect an AI that's trained on 80 IQ niggers to perform better than one trained on 100+ IQ middle/upper class men? If not, how the fuck would you expect the same for politics?
"It's about morals and giving everyone a voice!!!"
Yeah I am really fucking sure ghetto niggers are the most moral people! 100% not exclusively self-interested! (Spoiler: They are just going to vote for more gibs like they always do!)
Let's be honest, even in the West, it's not a Democracy, it's the people that control the media and culture narrative that control the votes.
It's the left, it's the globalhomo, it's whatever you want to fucking call it.
One thing is certain, if the people cannot think for themselves, it's the people who control the media that's voting, just with a few extra steps to go through the illusion of Democracy.
The only way democracy can work is to return to a limited form that does not automatically grant voting rights to every single human with a heartbeat.
In the modern world, most people have to work a 9-5 job, adding on the time needed for commute, they simple do not have the time or energy to think about national policies in depth.
So what do they do? They just listen to the MSM and follow whatever the man on TV screen says.
Therefore giving everyone voting rights cannot work better than only giving voting rights to people who have the resources/spare time to think about politics.
Doesn't necessarily needs to be property based, but at least requiring some effort (such as a basic history/logic exam) to filter out the 80 IQ niggers would be extremely beneficial.
Would it be biased towards the elites? Sure.
Is it better than mob rule and forcing politicians to cater to Latinx niggers for votes? 100%