(I know Alex Jone is a CoOp... but hey it's really fitting here! And yes if you actually want to break the conditioning, getting mad at the right people who tried control you helps a lot!)
(Also I think this is the real reason a lot of very powerful people dislike Alex Jones, he actually kinda tried to resist! IDK if he was born into it or was it from the Jewess he married, but either way I offer my condolences and sympathy!)
Relevant post:
Relevant PDF (The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave), not everything here is reliable of course (pretty sure the author is just letting out SOME truthful information to appear as credible so they can then inject their own agenda, i.e. you breaking out of the first group but then your (fake) savior is the second group that told you this info and if you trust them completely they got you AGAIN, as they often do! Same trick they run with a lot of supposed Anti-Mason/Anti-Satanist/Born-Again Christian groups!)
The telltale sign here being.... Illuminati..................... Covering for the real ones in power.
Example: If you go to the author's website
One of my areas of study has been a caballistic cabal who call themselves the Illuminati. The term those military men used to describe these same people fighting today’s war is “oligarchs”; a term which may be an easier word to handle for those new to the subject of who runs this World. Afterall, the definition of oligarch means someone who rules, so by definition, those running the World are “oligarchs”, rather like the term bronchitis which means an “itis” (pain from inflammation) in the bronchi. My books expose who these rulers are, and their organizations.
FIFTH GENERATION WARFARE. This 5GW is totally different from all the others. It uses every means to attack and destroy except kinetic. Kinetic means bullets and bombs. So this warfare includes cyber attacks, it includes destroying a nation’s morals and culture, it includes destroying a nation’s economy, it includes modifying their weather, and tampering with their self-image. An example of this is what Red China has been doing to the U.S. for 2 decades. Red China has been an instrument for the Illuminati to destroy America. In 2014, 6 of the 7 big Chinese banks were controlled by the Illuminati. One example of this is how they have established Maoist groups basically in all U.S. colleges called Confucius Institutes. Other examples incl. their theft of our technology, their undermining of our economy & politics, their degrading & destruction of our culture, and how they set up the AIIB to replace the IMF. But China is only part of the 5GW picture. Our own systems are against us. One could observe this during the Scam D-E-M-I-C.
>Red China has been an instrument for the Illuminati to destroy America.
................. While in their own god damn post they admit the (((Illuminati))) are the ones that follow Kabbalah. Yeah many Kabbalistic Jews running around owning Chinese banks there buddy! Not to mention the fact the entire founding of US is Masonic, but that's a whole other can of worms! So here's the PDF!
Because the victims aren't allowed real friends IRL, and everyone wants friends and social connection, how to keep them in line with the Zionist goals while enabling CIA/Mossad to have access to personal/secrete information from all over the globe?
Enter Dr. Costin Alamariu @bronzeagemantis and his circle of online RW™ Nationalist™ Nazi™ LARPers that are, in fact, Zionist CIA agents!
If you wonder why all BAPoids are antisocial lonely poorfags who have no friends IRL and are terminally online, here's your answer! It's so they can be controlled by BAP and his Zionist CIA handlers to implement Zionist goals!
Person lonely and isolated IRL -> Not allowed to have real IRL friends -> Seek online company -> Get introduced to BAP and his circle of similarly lonely Jews -> Join group chats to leak various state secrets and personal information from their family (many related fairly high ranking government/military officials worldwide) to BAP's CIA gang
"Shalom my fellow Shlomo, I know you might not have many friends IRL so do you want to join our based™ Nazi™ Jew group? We can talk in group chats about your family and what things are happening in your country! It'd be fun to exchange all of our personal details!"
"Anyone that speaks out against us? That's because they are COMMUNISTS! Don't listen to them! Stay with our based™ Nazi Jew group instead! Only we are your real friends, everyone else's an unworthy Communist liberal! Only we are based! Please don't mind the fact BAP's a Black Latinx Romanian Gypsy(Pajeet) with a race mixing fetish that routinely fuck Black women though! If you side with them you'd lose all of us, your real friends!"
"If you don't do everything we say you are a race traitor that kill your fellow Jews! Please don't mind the fact we Zionists planned WW1/WW2 and Ukraine and 10/7 and Crocus and pretty much killed millions and millions of Jews so we can convert all Jews to Zionism! Only we the Zionists can save Jews! If you don't help us another Holocaust will happen! Please don't mind the fact Hitler was literally one of us and the Holocaust wasn't 6M, small details!"
· p.43-- “Because Marilyn had no real friends, she concentrated on herself” The closest friend Marilyn had is saying that Marilyn Monroe had no real friends. Doesn’t that strike someone as strange. Marilyn didn’t have any real friends. Almost the only ones in her life were her abusers, and they worked hard to strip her of any personal goals or esteem.
p.70-- “You can go anywhere,” I [Lena] assured her. “Anywhere in the world” “Who with? she asked sadly. “Who with? By myself””Mr. Miller, your friends...” “What friends? I am ‘t got nobody.” Many times during the programming, the programmers separate the victim from anyone who could be a support person, they are isolated from having friends and relatives unless the relatives are in the occult.
p. 71 --Marilyn repeatedly calls herself a prostitute. She says, “They laugh at me. What am I . . . nothing... a prostitute. “Further on the page Marilyn tells Lena that no one has cared about her for her entire life, including her mother....
page 483-484
THIS IS THE ROLE OF BAPOIDS! It's a system for young Zionist Jews around the world to rat on each other so they stay in Zionism!
If you married a Jew/Zionist/Freemason and you personally are not apart of this, check on your fucking children and consider showing them this! (If it won't shock them too much!)
Especially if you are Russian since so many BAPoid Jews seem to be Russian! If you are in the Russian government please consider sharing this with your coworkers/friends that married a Zionist Jew!
Signs your spouse might be engaged inTrauma Based Mind Control/MKUltra/Satanic Ritual Abuse
- Separating you and your children: such as talking behind your back to the children about things you may or may not have done, how you might abandon them and how your children must stick with them
- Isolating your children from their peers: not allowing them to make friends besides from pre-approved list of people (other Jews/Zionists/Masons/people in occult), might happen in the form of forbidding your children from talking to anyone else/certain people
- Teaching your children Esoteric Nazism/Zionism, when you understand Zionists created Nazis for WW2, then you'd understand these two seeming opposing ideologies are in fact, the same! (Hagelian Dialetics) See how the Israelis are treating the Palestinians currently. Whether or not your spouse is a Mason or a Zionist Jew, their end goal is the same since FREEMasons are just Masons that work for FREE to build the Third Temple for Zionists!
- Teaching your children Occult/Kabbalah/Masonry/Aliens/New Age, your spouse might act erratic/neurotic since many of them are victims of Trauma Based Mind Control themselves (this is how they reproduce a new generation believing in this Satanic ideology that few will choose willingly), this is also to single out your children so they will not fit in with their peers, as in the back of their mind they'd always think they are different from everyone else/deserving of special treatment, which may or may not be true in reality. Themes/story they might use are (various stories to make your children refuse God/Jesus Christ)
- Aliens, you are not a normal human children but are either born of alien abduction or your mom mated with an alien so you are an alien hybrid, might have various kinds of stories/forged evidences/magic tricks to convince the children they are not human and should not sympathize/socialize with their peers
- If you try to trace the roots of this story, 1. Aliens are demons 2. Some Jews believe Jews are the children of Aliens who were gods on Earth
- Demons, same as above but more direct, sometimes it's a demon inside their head/induced Multiple Personality Disorder (might be similar to BPD/Bipolar in symptoms), the book goes into more detail about this, see PDF above
- Angel/God, you are an angel/literally God, also similar as above, typical Messianic Complex stuff, but also from the Kabbalistic teaching that everything/everyone is a fragment of the divine/God, and you can become God
- Robot/AI overlords, Earth's actually ran by a secret AI/Robots or everyone else is fake and a robot, first is one of their goals and the second is designed to alienate your children from others and/or make them unable to sympathize with other humans (seeing them as lesser/different kind of being)
- Simulation theory, teaching from the Kabbalah, God's supposed to be the computer that simulates everything, nothing matters, you can do whatever you want as it's just a simulation, God's mindless/dead as computers don't have a will by themselves
- The world is ending/End Times, a Messiah is coming, you need to do whatever it takes (by following the spouse) to bring in the Messiah and ensure your family's survival, typical doomsday cult mind control (many more research on this feel free to read, just search doomsday cult https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_cult)
- Prophet/Messiah/Psychic, your children and/or your spouse is a prophet/psychic or the Messiah. The Zionist goal is to build the Third Temple and bring in the Messiah! Similar as above but with the twist of convincing your child they (alone or with your spouse) have some special psychic powers that they can use, and the ones with special powers need to stick together (isolation from normal people). Potentially an attempt in trying to awake psychic powers by mental conditioning
- Cat.... Your children are so buck broken they actually think they are an animal, usually a cat, see the special section on Dr. Costin/BAP below
- Aliens, you are not a normal human children but are either born of alien abduction or your mom mated with an alien so you are an alien hybrid, might have various kinds of stories/forged evidences/magic tricks to convince the children they are not human and should not sympathize/socialize with their peers
If the child victim of mind-control comes from a family where only one of the parents is a participant in the abuse, then what often happens is that the clean parent, will never even discuss abuse issues with their child. Few adults ever really discuss abuse issues with children. The child is generally isolated from their peers as much as possible by the child’s handler’s and programmers. They place other children that belong to the cult in the child’s life to report on what the child is doing.
If that sounds like your children.... Check on that FFS!
At the beginning of the programming, the Programmers are dealing with a small infant who is unable to verbalize to others about their abuse. They are further frightened in every way, and tortured, and given behavior modification to teach them to remain silent. Even without all these strong threats which always exist, the child would not capable of fighting back. The child will naturally think this is the way the world is, and of course, the programmers are reinforcing the idea that this is the heritage or path that the child is supposed to be following. The dissociative parts of the child do not fully comprehend that being sexually assaulted daily by their father is wrong. They are being misled by their abuser that it is correct, that that is their purpose in life. The child is never given a chance to realize that it has a right to refuse. It is conditioned to obedience. The abuse seems to be just another part of things that belong to the world of adults. For children, adults do many things beyond comprehension, at times ridiculous. And they seem to need no reason to do these things, except for the fact that they are adults. Other adults that come and go are also participants in the abuse, so the child doesn’t grasp that he can be defended by other adults. The programmers are always doing unexpected things to the child, so the child quits trying to figure life out, and fatalistically complies with what it is expected to do. Children all over the world grow up in an adult world, and are at the mercy of adults.
As the alters begin to experience life, they are generally in situations where the attitudes of the people around them, reinforce their programming. Boys are told by society in general to take their lumps in life “like a man”. They are taught to fight their own battles, and not to whine. Few boys risk the shame that comes from talking about their abuse. Society is not kind to “whiners”. Females are permitted to show emotions, without the social sanctions levied on males. If the child victim of mind-control comes from a family where only one of the parents is a participant in the abuse, then what often happens is that the clean parent, will never even discuss abuse issues with their child. Few adults ever really discuss abuse issues with children. The child is generally isolated from their peers as much as possible by the child’s handler’s and programmers. They place other children that belong to the cult in the child’s life to report on what the child is doing. When the child victim begins to “stretch their wings” so to speak and meet other people, there are very few people that will threaten the control of the programmers. When the slave does find a good therapist to make friends with, this friendship will trigger all kinds of programming, unresolved issues around adults, trust, etc. The slave feels double- binded. If they move toward health and freedom, it creates many more problems than staying in slavery. They need to see the bigger picture. They need to be given something positive to live for outside of the slavery. Psychiatrists are not permitted by their boards to get personally involved in their clients lives. Traditional therapy doesn’t address some of the issues that will stop the slave from wanting to gain freedom. Internal peer pressure from multitudes of programmed loyal deeper alters, and external peer pressure from cult children the victim is bonded to, begins to exert an overpowering force for the child to stay on the beaten path. Few people ever buck the system, and go against peer pressure. Someone as hurt and docile as a slave is going to want acceptance, and is not likely going to want to step out of line with society and their peers. Until society admits that there is a problem with mind-control, it will be a dangerous thing socially for a child slave to admit to what the victim is actually experiencing every day.
page 508-509
Relevant reading on Holocaust as Trauma Brainwashing: https://henrymakow.com/270103.html
"BAP isn't a CIA Satanic handler!!!"
Behold, BAP's tactic of intimidation and admission of being a glowie with connections! (He's fucking used to this kind of blackmail tactics as a handler and a victim himself!)
Well if you don't break out then the abused become the abuser for a new generation of Zionist Jews!
Is Dr. Costin/@Bronzeagemantis a Trauma Based Mind Control Victim Himself?
Important to note that.... None of the BAPoids, even BAP himself, seem to have access to a... Car! All of them sure seem to be seething about the fact that I personally bought a car!
For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never write their own checks, will never drive anywhere, and will seldom watch television unless it is something like a Walt Disney movie which is mind- control programming. Some slaves are allowed to drive, but only on a limited basis and their sense of direction is stripped from them hypnotically.
How does it feel @bronzeagemantis after all the shit you did for them, they still won't even trust you with a CAR?
Why is his (on both this account and @bronzeagemantis) extreme fondness of cats a sign of being aTrauma Based Mind Control Victim?
The dehumanizing of a multiple -- that is of a fragmented personality -- is done to most of the alters, but the front alters are allowed to be human. Because alters take on the characteristics of what they were created from, the front alters have to be some of the first splits so that they have a sense of family and that they are human. That does not mean that the first series of splits can’t be dehumanized later--they are, they are turned into gems (crystals). How do you make an alter into an animal alter? It may not be quite as difficult as some may imagine, because they can create alters with “clean slates”--that is they are the plain tablets that Dr. White (Dr. D. Ewin Cameron) prided himself that he was able to make out of adult minds. When a part of the mind has no reality to reference, and is tortured and told lies, then it will accept what the programmer says is real. When an alter is created via torture, if you want a cat alter, they will have the child tortured in a cage surrounded by cats of some type. The new alters will be told they are cats. Their programmers will actually kill a little child in the worst way in front of these alters and tell them that that is what happens to little girls and boys. Do they want to be a little girl? No. After watching the horrible things that happen to little girls, they do not want to be little girls or little boys (as the case may be). They want to be a cat, because as a cat they will not be killed and tortured like the children. The alters are forced to eat like cats with cats. They are repeatedly shamed and degraded and repeatedly told they are cats. Lie detector Instruments are hooked up to the child to determine if the alters actually believe they are cats. When the alter can actually state, “I’m a kitten.” or “I’m a tiger.” and pass the lie detector test, then the programmers know they have succeeded.
But what if the mind resists being told it is a cat? As long as the child is a girl it is given faeces to eat. But the cats are fed wholesome meals in front of the victim. The little girls in the other cages are dirty and tortured and ill fed. Do you want to be a little girl? A great deal of simple torture is applied to make sure that the correct answers are given. If your life depended upon saying you were a cat, you’d be a cat too. Further, children have a vivid imagination. Normal children can easily role play, and they can easily imagine they are something they aren’t, because their personalities and egos have not solidified.
Again nothing is left to chance. A fake blood transfusion of cat blood may be given the child. Very often high speed films of kittens playing and having fun are shown in one eye, while the other eye is forced to few little girls having to undergo the worst of tortures. This viewing is forced upon the child, as its eyes are held open and the child is strapped into a viewing chair. The dehumanization process will make alters into various types of birds, cats, dogs, aliens, horses, earth elements, gemstones, rocks, and countless other items. They will then place in back up programming to insure that the alters continue to believe they are not human. The ingenuity of the back up programming to ensure that they continue to believe the lies are extensive and ingenious. A great deal of hypnosis, and drug induced states, and drug-hypnosis is used to carry out the dehumanization process. The programming will be reinforced by a cat alter’s environment, because the alter’s handlers will always refer to them as kittens or other types of cats.
page 399-400
More proof:
Absolutely buck broken folks! You love to see it! More on his main when he reposts cats when he's sad! Often from @inkblotistan! So do many from his gay CIA gang!
Intelligence Agencies and Surveillance as Means of Control
Every intelligence service since time began has sought methods of owning people and ensuring they stayed loyal. (Note the injection of baseless BS here, who the fuck are even the Li family? The Ming dynasty based on the time (1400 AD)? In case you haven't notice... They are long gone!) Two of 13 Illuminati families who are known to have developed extremely well-run bloodline intelligence groups are the Li family and the Rothschild family. The Li’s family started its Chinese intelligence back in 1400 A.D. They had already been an ancient chinese aristocratic family for many centuries prior to this. (Ming dynasty started at 1368 AD by a... Peasant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hongwu_Emperor Maybe they meant one of the noble families? But who?) Some of their techniques for their agents were state of the art mind control techniques. The Rothschild’s personal spy network and their own mail service was known to be superior to the national european governments during the 19th century. Traditional spycraft has involved the ability to recruit and keep agents loyal. The professional spook manipulates his recruits for a living. He becomes adept at controlling people. For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them. Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience. A natural non-verbal threat cue would be brusque movements, and an innuendo in their voice. A contrived cue would be placing both hands behind the head, which is a code for “I AM YOUR MASTER, OBEY ME.” Another cue for slaves to obey is when the master makes a fist with his right hand and touches his forehead. This means, “OBEY.” Even children, who were multiples, who were being taught to control their mother who wanted to leave the cult, have been observed using the fist to the forehead to try to get obedience from their mother. Staring is one method that the Programmers use. Charles Manson, who was both a slave and a handler, is an example of how a penetrating hypnotic stare is used by the Programmers. One way to control people is to wear clothes of authority. Dr. Green, Dr. Black, Dr. Star, Michael Aquino and other programmers have worn Nazi uniforms while programming, and at other time have worn Satanic Priestly garb. A beginning point to control people is understanding human needs, and understanding the individual to be controlled. A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation. Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/ programmers have an extremely personable side to them--and a very deadly animalistic side to them too. They will be trained to look anyone they want to recruit in the eyes and withstand their stare. “Friendship begins with a smile; recruitment with a stare.” (This is a quote from the book Suvorov, Viktor. Inside The Aquarium. New York: Macmillan, p. 108. During training, men in U.S. Army Intelligence are told to read this book to understand how U.S. intelligence works.) The entire lives of Monarch slaves are kept on records. Zbigniew Brezinski, and the heads of the CIA, and Sec. of Defense Cheney are just some of the men known about who have access to the computer records that contain records on every active Monarch slave. Not everyone has a price, but everyone will respond to their needs being met. James K. Van Fleet, an important military intelligence officer, wrote about how to manage people. In military intelligence, they keep files on people where they identify which subconscious desires of people are important to the person at the time. All this information is kept in SOFT FILES--which are not official files, so these files have never officially existed and are not given up even to Congressional subpoenas. The Intelligence agencies know that if they find out what the person wants above all else in life, they can control the person. The nine areas that are monitored to see if they are important at the moment are:
- emotional security
- recognition of efforts or reassurance of worth 3. creative outlets
- a sense of personal power
- a sense of roots--belonging somewhere
- immortality
- ego-gratification
- love in all its forms
- new experiences
Once they monitor these areas and then they determine which needs are priority needs for the person, then they will use what they call “the depth approach” to subconsciously gratify those needs in a way that they gain control over the person. Modern companies are doing this too. Dough mix isn’t sold, but making a family memory with the children is. Soap isn’t sold to get dishes clean--but rather soft beautiful hands are sold. Cosmetic companies don’t sell an item--they sell you hope or an image. Fruit dealers don’t sell fruit, they sell health and vitality. Car dealers don’t sell cars, they sell prestige and images. Freezers aren’t sold, emotional security from having a full freezer is sold. They have learned to genuinely appeal to the 9 subconscious desires. In intelligence, these desires are called “weaknesses”, because intelligence case officers and handlers will attempt to manipulate those desires for their own gain by sincerely helping the person. They set up short-range & long term goals and plans on how manage a person.
page 478-482 (Note some crap about Chinese Li family being Illuminati... In 1400..? Where are they now? Li's a very common last name so who the fuck they even mean?)
For instance, if a Monarch slave’s day to day alters want ego- gratification, a creative outlet, and reassurance of worth, the Illuminati may promise the slave that if the alters comply they will give them a singing contract in Las Vegas. If they need to appeal to their emotional security--they can promise a big salary and a nice house. If they need to appeal to immortality they can promise to award them a star on Hollywood Boulevard or whatever religious immortality they can credibly offer. (The slave will get the short end of any deal.) Anything the slave gets is going to come at a price. The slave will have to do something in return for the Network. Illuminati alters are promised power, honor, glory and wealth. Considering the power and wealth of the elite, they do have the resources to make good on this if they want. However, the price of obedience might be to shave one’s head in submission and sacrifice a child. Another important point is that the abusers want to get the active cooperation of the person being used. This can be accomplished by lies (or facts if they are convenient) which appeal to the person’s views of right and wrong. For instance, a pedophile will talk to the child who they are going to rape to get its cooperation. The CIA handlers will listen to what a Slave needs, and solve it for them. Bear in mind, they will only do this if the slave doesn’t live with the handler and is pulling in the wrong direction. For instance, the CIA has lots of sleepers, who are dangerous people just waiting to be set off. In these cases, the CIA has to work with front alters who aren’t aware of the mind control. Rather than force an issue with control, sometimes a gentle manipulation will work. Then again some slave alters are under such strong mind control that they simply need an order, and don’t need gentle manipulation.
The isolation that the handlers impose on their slave to prevent real relationships with outsiders, and the strong bonding of the slave to its master (trauma bonding, etc.) that is administered via the mind control, actually provides a chance for freedom IF the slave survives its master’s death. Most slaves are programmed to die soon after their master dies--the co-author Cisco was. If the slave survives the suicide programming, the Illuminati will have already taken into consideration who the slave will be passed onto. Cisco’s system survived their programmer/master’s death, and they were not able to break the intense bonds which made the System loyal to that master. Because there is so much secret mind-control slavery going on, if only a small percentage begin to break loose because their loyalty programming backfires on the Illuminati, it has still has given us on the other side a significant break. Another example of an MPD system becoming exposed when a handler dies, is when Rothschild, the President of Oilfield Scrap & Equipment in Kentucky, committed suicide. He was the handler of a highly functioning MPD slave, who was his secretary, Mary Davis. Mary Davis could not function after his death and sued in court-- Davis v. Oilfield Scrap & Equipment Co., 482 So.2d 970 (La. App. 3rd Cir. 1986)--for worker’s compensation because she could not function after her handler’s death. Because the Illuminati have kept their membership secret, people have not seen the connections between the various cases of multiple personality that surface. In Iowa in 1987, a Multiple named Freeman was arrested for stealing a car. In South Carolina in 1990, a Rutherford with MPD was in court. In North Dakata in 1988, an MPD daughter named Johnson tried to sue her abusive father named Johnson for her sexual abuse. In 1984, a Multiple named Hall was hit by a truck and was in court. In 1987, a Multiple named Jones tried to use his MPD to get off of a murder conviction in Washington. In 1988, Marie Moore, a Multiple in N.J. ran a coven which tortured teenagers. The police found a well hidden body in her house, but the corrupt judicial system did not convict her of murder. In 1988, a Ms. Wheeler applied for Social Security disability benefits due to mental impairments such as MPD. In each of these MPD cases: Freeman, Hall, Jones, Johnson, Moore, Rutherford, and Wheeler are all surnames that have many members in the Illuminati. The secrecy of the Illuminati has protected people from seeing their hidden genealogies. Tracking these genealogies would in turn start exposing the extent of their mind control. As the handlers isolate the slave from mainstream society, they can begin to give them things that will satisfy their long suppressed emotional needs. These are given in a way that they further lock the person in to the control. For instance, the slave has been stripped of power, he craves power--so he is given power over other people’s lives. The slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family. Each Monarch slave exists in their own situation, but there are often common features to how they are controlled. For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never write their own checks, will never drive anywhere, and will seldom watch television unless it is something like a Walt Disney movie which is mind- control programming. Some slaves are allowed to drive, but only on a limited basis and their sense of direction is stripped from them hypnotically. (BAPoids all seem to not own a car, even BAP himself!) In January, 1995, this co-author’s newsletter From A Follower of Christ had a feature article on Marilyn Monroe. Monarch mind-controlled slaves like Loretta Lynn and Marilyn Monroe lived tightly controlled lives, and were not allowed to drive automobiles. The one exception is that Loretta has been allowed to drive her car around the ranch. The following is some excerpts from the co-author’s January ‘95 newsletter because it gives a good example of how Marilyn Monroe, a mind-controlled slave had her life very tightly controlled.
As time goes on the case officer or handler will weave and ever firming ever tightening web of control around his asset. They will often use rapport. Many of the CIA’s Monarch programmers are very likable people, they have learned the skill of “B.S.” and building rapport. Some of this involves just understanding people and NLP. The handler will look for telltale signs such as absenteeism, lateness, nervousness, or inconsistency. He will rely on intuition, spies, astral projection or psychic abilities to keep tabs on the asset. Then if a problem develops it will be addressed with appeals to patriotism, greed, ambition, or fear. Whatever works is the motto of the game. When slaves are picked up, the men picking them up are called Draconian enforcers. Both authors of this book are very familiar with some of these men. They are often big male Monarch slaves. (BAP!!! @bronzeagemantis) A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand with the enforcers thumb in the area between the victim’s thumb and index finger. The pressure will be strong enough to leave a bruise after the access. At different times in different states there have been patterns to what kind of car they drive. They often take the cars from cooperating dealerships, so that there is no license number to trace. They also use stolen license plates on their cars. In 1993, in NY they were using brown volkswagens. In the Oregon area (especially Portland), a full time Monarch slave enforcer named Rex drives his large red pickup or at times someone else’s other vehicle (like his Illuminati boss’s white pickup truck). He will carry a gun and a cattle prod. The cars in some places have been often red or black. A white or silver car sometimes is used to denote someone of rank. When limousines are used to pick up slaves, they may switch license plates regularly because the plates contain access codes. This was one reason the establishment began allowing people to customize their own license plates! When one wants to control a group of people, as a leader of a country Machiavelli’s book is great. Some of those principles can be scaled down to working with individuals. Fritz has observed that almost across the board, if slaves are left within a non- cult family, relatives will consistently misperceive what is happening in the slave’s life. Switches between personalities are reinterpreted to fit the world view of the observer--the multiple is merely perceived as “moody” and “irrational”. Half-way decent cover stories will generally suffice to cover the slave’s activities for the mafia, the CIA, and the satanic cult they belong to. The slave merely needs to pull up a good front alter for public consumption, for people want to think the best of everyone. The public will watch the 7-Swans fairy tale where a magical coat turns swans into a princess, never guessing that a news story far greater is happening all around them. One way to control a person is to identify who the key people are in their life and then influence those people. Some of the work in controlling Monarch slaves goes on behind the scenes, even without the slave ever realizing it. A number of Monarch slaves have been maneuvered into marriages without actual mind-control even being necessary. One of the items to successfully controlling people is that they know who they are taking orders from. In the military, officers get frustrated because they end up getting conflicting orders from conflicting jurisdictions. This happens with the control of Monarch slaves too, when too many chiefs and not enough indians are around. When a slave ends up serving several handlers within a short period of time they can get really messed up. This is because the slaves receive severe abuse and their programming can be splintered and destroyed if not handled correctly. Of course, the slave takes the blame, but that doesn’t eliminate the problem. If a handler wants a better chance of his slave functioning smoothly, the slave shouldn’t be tampered with by lots of handlers. This common sense logic of management seems to have been missed by a large number of handlers. One thing can be said, someone who is a common drug dealer had better not tamper with an Illuminati Mother of Darkness alter slave if they want to stay alive. It appears that slaves are seldom tampered with without permission. Another ingredient in controlling people is knowing what your competition is going to do. Because the cults work with the intelligence agencies, they often know who, what, where, when, and how their enemies are going to challenge them. The authors of this book could write a book on how the Illuminati/intelligence agencies have watched them. People such as therapists and ministers who challenge the Monarch trauma-based programming have nice growing dossiers in CIA files. A note should be made that the American intelligence agencies tattooed some of their slaves with blue Monarch butterflies, bluebirds, or roses for identification purposes. The bluebird relates to the CIA project name Project Bluebird. Some satanic cults tatoo the “sign of the great Beast” on the heads of victims. They also place scars with occult designs on their victims. The Illuminati slaves, who are hierarchy members of the Illuminati, are not tattooed, although a hard-to-see scar consisting of dots in a triangle on the third eye is done to some members. The prohibition against marking up one’s body is not consistently enforced in the Illuminati--it seems this standard is enforced more with the women than the male Illuminati members. CIA slaves have received the Butterfly tatoos from the age of about 11 on up.
The following points are of a scenario which was developed as follows by the author: Fritz observed how the CIA were carrying out an operation to recapture a Monarch slave who was trying to escape. These activities follow standard spook textbook methods, and for instance, fit the same patterns of an intelligence operation codenamed Operation Sphinx described in detail in the book By Way of Deception. By exposing how an operation is put together perhaps it will become clearer how the CIA monitor an asset they fear is escaping.
POINT 1. An event that looked like an accident was planned. The event was impossible to miss. This can include car accidents, people waving one down to tell you that you have a flat tire, etc.
POINT 2. They studied their prey to determine his/her routine. They will watch a residence intently to determine the person’s routine and take advantage of this.
POINT 3. Then an insignificant accidental event is planned. Repeatedly, in the many Monarch people the authors have known, the tiniest insignificant points in people’s lives are being manipulated. (Bear in mind the intelligence people are carried away and overdo much of what they do, even over planning some of their ops.)
POINT 4. The chief is given the order to “hit at convenience.” They are watching and probing to discover a weak point, and when they find a weak point they will strike at convenience.
POINT 5. Listening devices are installed. (The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies are illegally monitoring the Jives of Americans with bugs that go up to 2 Ghz. Companies like Tektronics which work with the CIA are selling counters which won’t detect bugs at 2 Ghz. In other words, what is mainly sold the public is inadequate, but BK Precision does sell a counter which goes past 2 Ghz. for those who want to know when they are being illegally spied upon. Since MI-6 & the CIA cooperate, the CIA can simply say that their American intelligence information is from MI-6. It may be illegal for the CIA to spy in the U.S.-ha! no one stops them, but British MI-6 can legally spy on American citizens.) The intell. groups themselves use BABBLERS, which are electronic devices that emit noise & chatter & destroy the effectiveness of bugs.
POINT 6. Teams of experts are brought in to brainstorm about the operation. The people called in on a case will be coordinated by a team or teams. One of these teams will consist of various experts whose combined brains will give great ability to plan.
POINT 7. The person will be watched by moving in an observer into a nearby building.
POINT 8. An intelligence woman or man will be sent door to door selling perfume or something else--perhaps they will pose as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
POINT 9. The door to door undercover intelligence person will be very personable, very nice to talk to.
POINT 10. The team will take all the surveillance information and spend hours going over every detail, and they will debate and get tense as they hash out the significance of certain intelligence pieces of information as they work out a plan of action.
POINT 11. The Intelligence people will take advantage of the social needs of someone close to their prey. They might give his wife some opportunities for fun things away from the house. They know how to take advantage very quickly & smoothly of the social needs of people who are around a Monarch slave. (They put used car salesmen to shame.)
POINT 12. The intelligence people have the capability to enter without keys.
POINT 13. They practice “motionless following.” That means they followed people in shifts. They will follow by tag teams so to speak, and use car phones.
POINT 14. They like to use “trade” occupations as a cover.
POINT 15. The man will give a business card which had an actual office, etc. but which was a front. They will be willing to give a business card-- which is a real address, but only a CIA front. The day they realize they are exposed, the phone will quit working. Handlers and men within the Network often use business cards and other cards they carry in their wallets as codes indicating various things. In intelligence operations, the agents will take their “intelligence--that is the info they have collected, and put it through 4 steps. 1) “direction”, who is going to collect what where. 2) “collection”, the actual spying. 3) “processing”, analyzing and integrating what they have collected, and 4) “dissemination”, distributing (via reports, talks, charts) the analyzed and rewritten reports to their customers. Most of the intelligence groups have a reputation for distorting the truth in the third stage to fit their agency’s “party line”. Count St.-Germain (169?-1784) is a good example of an intelligence officer. He was one of the leading Illuminati of his time. He did alchemy for Louis XV, and magic for the Masonic leader Karl, prince of Hesse. He spied for the Dutch and the French, and who knows who else. His fundamental allegiance was to the Mystery Religions of the Illuminati. Modern day examples are Lord Victor Rothschild, one of the leaders of MI-6, Sir Dick Goldsmith White, Jewish, Mason, & leader of MI-6 from 5 6-69, Sir John Rennie leader of MI-6 from 69-73 whose son Charles Tatham Ogilvy Rennie was a known, major drug runner, Major General Sir John Sinclair, of the Illuminati, MI-6 chief from ‘53-56. MI-S has had a number of Illuminati/Freemasons called Director-Generals (rather than Chiefs) running it too. Nigel West, a pseudonym for a man who worked for MI-6 devoted an entire chapter in his book MI-S about how Hugh Astor and Victor Rothschild ran Britain’s double agent division. ALL, I repeat ALL of the German agents spying on England during W.W. II were double-agents actually working for the British. If anyone tried to work for the German’s secret service who wasn’t disloyal, that person could only work for the Germans IF they turned into a double agent for the British. Today, almost every one working against MI-5, MI-6 and the Illuminati’s New World Order, is a double agent. This book may be followed by a number of similar books by double agents of the New World Order’s Network. (Ironically.... Pretty sure the author is one!)
page 485-489
This dirty game has been honed to a fine art, which is a standard feature of the Illuminati/intelligence groups. The CIA term for blackmail is an “OK FIX.” When they use a person’s past sins to force someone to do something they refer to this as “biographic leverage.” Any weak point in a person can and will be exploited. Sexual entrapment for blackmail is referred to as a ‘HONEY TRAP”. Black widow alters are being trained and sent out for this purpose. Blackmail of the slave begins when it is beginning to get verbal. At 3, the cults will tell a child they have a bomb planted inside them, that the cult can detonate if they don’t obey. In order to blackmail, or threaten, you have to have something to threaten the person with. Men are frequently entrapped by sexual behavior which is criminal. Sometimes they are also entrapped by murder. The Monarch slave will be allowed to have children so that they can be blackmailed into complying to save the children or grandchildren. The Monarch slave in turn may be used to blackmail others. Certain alters are trained in this. A Monarch Beta model is highly trained in seduction and will seduce a man. Then an alter which feigns death will take the body and the man will be threatened for having killed the woman. Many politicians and ministers are operating under blackmail today. When Jimmy Swaggart’ s ministry fell, over 200 Assembly of God ministers called headquarters and confessed that they had similar problems. The extent that blackmail is being used by the NWO would boggle people’s minds. Porn films are taken of the Monarch victims, so that they can be used to blackmail the victim. Monarch victims are forced to commit ritual murders which are photographed and then used to blackmail the poor mind- controlled victim. Perhaps, one of the cruelest forms of blackmail which is carried routinely by handlers, is the threat to incarcerate the mind- controlled slave in a mental hospital. The co-author Fritz has read a number of books about the situation in America’s mental hospitals, and sections of these books will literally make a person vomit from disgust. The legal climate in this nation has made it easy to stick someone else in a mental hospital. Once there, they are routinely given tranquilizers Mellaril, Thorazine or Stelazine so that they can’t rebel against the most wretched conditions. Nadine Scolla was a nurse in a mental hospital who wrote an expose based on her diary while she worked. Her book is entitled Keeper of the Keys (Westlake Village, CA: F&J Publishing Corp., 1976) The following are quotes from her account of working in a mental hospital, “How can they allow such places to exist? They really need to reform, but who is going to do it?.. .We’re supposed to be civilized and yet many people are treated worse than the lowest form of animals. Who cares about these patients? (p. 15).. .Doctors receive one hundred thousand dollars a year starting salary, and the nursing personnel receive the highest pay in the profession, and yet the patients get the worst of care. (p. 19).. .I could see that the patients had no rights here. (p.27)... [on page 49-50 she reports about a secret hospital grave yard where patients could be buried without anyone knowing].. .Do you remember the young rape victim and how they treated her-the girl with beautiful olive skin and long brown hair?... They filled the bath tub with cubes of large ice and dropped her into it. They removed her from that and placed her in scalding hot water. She came out red as a lobster. Her body was badly blistered. This treatment didn’t help, so they decided upon shock treatment. ‘I never saw anything so awful in all my life. They forcibly strapped her down, tied her hands and legs, stuck the electrodes to her head and placed a tongue blade in her mouth. She couldn’t scream, wiggle, or do anything. After the treatment.. .Tammey was dead. Her body was limp- she was still trapped in the chair. It was more than I could take. I had to go off by myself and cry.’ (p.51) I don’t understand how our local government can allow these people to be treated worse than a dog in the local pound. At least the animals have their own cubicle and their own food dish. (p.73)” According to what Nadine Scolla was told, half of the patients in mental hospitals are schizophrenics. A hefty percentage of these “schizophrenics” are really programmed multiples who are being quietly discarded by the system. How many victims of trauma-based total mind-control have ended up sent to mental hospitals? Many tens of thousands, maybe the exact number will never be known. America’s mental hospitals have also played an active role in the programming and the research for the programming.
page 490-491